Sunday, February 24, 2008

Today while worshiping at Harvest - He moved me to write...

about how He is working in my life. So I came home and created this blog.

This morning I walked into worship with a heavy heart; feeling defeated as a mom raising two teenagers without an active, Christian father in their lives. Between today's culture and at times, my lack of prayerful discipline of them - I was brought to His door feeling beaten and near defeat.

Our current series here at Harvest is about healing the family and making us healthy.

Within minutes of entering my tears were flowing.

Tears of regret, pain and general sadness were streaming down my face.

But this is how He works - our Glorious God knows that I love raising His name in song - so as I sat at Harvest anticipating services and not wanting to participate - a leader called out for anyone to come to the stage and climb onto the choir risers to lift their voices in song - a chance for the first time to see the service from a different viewpoint.

I was one of the first to hit the stage.....

He is always engaged.


xoxo said...

what a ministry you have, by blogging your deepest pain and leaves me reeling. xoxo

Susan's Snippets said...

I am blessed with hugs and kisses..


Anonymous said...

So great to see your new blog Susan. It is very refreshing and uplifting for me.
I have been in a "spiritual dry spell" lately, so I'm very much looking forward to your future posts (no pressure intended:))


Susan's Snippets said...

Well, Jude - you are one of MY blessings. I am praying that Our Lord lift you up and allow you to feel His gentle touch that is with you always!

not in small ways

Anonymous said...

Hey Susan,
I've been hoping for more inspiration from you on this Blog. Where have you been hiding??