Thursday, November 27, 2008


for a God that forgives, but doesn't forget; who loves unconditionally even with all of my fallen, human faults; who puts obstacles in my way so that I can learn; who sometimes whispers into my ear and at other times shouts.

Thank you God for everything, it is all a blessing.

in Your hands i am resting.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yeah, isn't he great. "A smoldering wick he will not put out and a bruised reed, he will not break." Isiah's prophesy rings so true. He's so faithful to us.

Unfortunately, many of us can too closely associate ourselves with the famous quote by Pascal (French Philosopher) "God created man in his own image, and man returned the compliment).

He always shows up in the way we'd least expect, disarming our defenses, and reminding us how much he loves us.

Thanks for reading my blog. Many of my recent posts have been affected by an author named Brennan Manning. I recommend his book, Ragamuffin Gospel, among others. Bless you!